Falzon Legal — Will vs Trust, How Do They Differ?

Falzon Legal — Will vs Trust, How Do They Differ?

Confused or unsure about the difference between Wills vs Trust? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! These two mighty legal documents are often both talked about together in Estate Planning — despite them fulfilling distinct and separate purposes in the management and...
Preserving Your Wishes — How To Make a Will NSW

Preserving Your Wishes — How To Make a Will NSW

If you’re one of those people who likes to take full control and save money, or who simply doesn’t have a great affection for lawyers — it’s understandable that you may want to know how to make a Will in NSW yourself. This blog provides you with the key...
Who Can Contest a Will?

Who Can Contest a Will?

Australian law outlines specific persons who can contest a will — predominantly governed in NSW by the Succession Act (2006) s57. If you believe that you have been unfairly treated in a Last Will and Testament — a legal contest can be a pathway to receiving a fair and...
The Hidden Costs of Dying Without a Will

The Hidden Costs of Dying Without a Will

No one knows when their time will come, but it is important to be prepared for the inevitable. Dying without a will can have negative consequences for your loved ones, as they will have to deal with the intestacy process. This can be long and complicated, and often...